Author: Tom Robbins
Brief Info: American novelist
Years Lived: 1932-
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Nature must govern technology
If we’re ever going to get the world back on a natural footing, back in tune with natural rhythyms, if we’re going to nurture the Earth and protect it and have fun with it and learn from it — which is what mothers do with their children — then we’ve got to put technology (an aggressive masculine system) in its proper place, which is that of a tool to be used sparingly, joyfully, gently and only in the fullest cooperation with nature. Nature must govern technology, not the other way around.
From Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
— 1976
The World is a Wonderfully Weird Place
The world is a wonderfully weird place, consensual reality is significantly flawed, no institution can be trusted, certainty is a mirage, security a delusion, and the tyranny of the dull mind forever threatens – but our lives are not as limited as we think they are, all things are possible, laughter is holier than piety, freedom is sweeter than fame, and in the end it’s love and love alone that really matters.
From the interview Gracie Goes to Schooner School
— 2007
That Magical Honeycomb of Words
topics: art, written word
…language, that magical honeycomb of words into which human reality is forever dissolving and from which it continually reemerges, having invented itself anew. The adjective in the lotus. The jewel in the inkwell. A blue dolphin leaping from a sink of dirty dishes.
From the book Tibetan Peach Pie: A True Account of an Imaginative Life
— 2014