It is in the best interests of society to encourage its citizens to engage in activities that will create value for themselves and others and society at large, and to allocate capital so that the greatest amount of it is available for use by those with the strongest likelihood of using it wisely.
Original Content
- Earned Value Management (EVM) for Mere Mortals
- The Four Essential Attributes of any Organization
- The Truth About Capitalism
- Rebuilding Trust in Our Large Institutions
- Why Do We Call It Capitalism?
- Thinking Differently About Our Economy
- How to Fix Big Tech
- Reframing our Debates about Capitalism
- The System is Working Very Well, Thank You
- Thank God for Elon Musk!
- Why Inflation Will be Hard to Contain
- Dethroning the False God of User Experience Design
- Social Distancing and our Essential Nature
- A Traditional Remedy for the Facebook Problem: Competition
- Kindness by Design
- An Overdue Update from The Practical Utopian
- Undoing Trumpism
- An agenda of ambition and hope
- Capitalists who worship only at the feet of capitalism
- Economics is essentially a question of design
- Economies that make us thrive
- Exponential growth in a finite world
- The growth of firms
- The increase of wealth is not boundless
- Invest in your employees
- It's the rich class that's winning
- Lean
- Liberalism is not Socialism
- Life is a series of daring adventures from a secure base
- Luxuries tend to become necessities
- Managing our planetary household
- A Man of Value
- Only Two Sources of Real Wealth
- The Power of Stakeholder Capitalism
- A Progressive Annual Tax on Capital
- Shareholder Value
- Technological Unemployment
- We need governments to provide clear pathways
- Workers demanding more from their employers
- A Work Ethic Gone Mad
- Work, Soul and Life
- Worshipping the divine right of capital
- The yen to work drops in flat economies
- You have to create more than you consume