Humanism emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, without reference to any non-human authorities.
Original Content
- An Appreciation for Fruitcakes
- An Appreciation for Ring Them Bells
- Humanism and the Practical Utopian
- Human Nature
- Rejiggering Our Religion
- Religion, Storytelling and Art
- Why I Call Myself a Practopian
- An Appreciation for And When I Die
- A Guide To Becoming
- An Appreciation for Paul Thorn and his 800 Pound Jesus
- An Appreciation for The Weight
- A Resumption of our Humanity
- An Appreciation for The Village Green Preservation Society
- An Appreciation for Will the Circle be Unbroken
- An Appreciation for Hallelujah
- An Appreciation for Christmas Favorites from The Practical Utopian
- An Appreciation for The Rebel Jesus - Song by Jackson Browne
- An Appreciation for Christmas Bells
- An Appreciation for Boogie Woogie Santa Claus
- All must be held valuable, or none
- Apes and Humans
- Art presents us with a window into the minds of these people
- The center of every man's existence is a dream
- Chimps and Humans
- Cockpits with Instruments Controlled by Gremlins
- Her faith had twisted very early in her childhood
- Imagination is not a means of making money
- An Invincible Summer
- An Irreplaceable Compact
- The modern horrors of bureaucracy
- Monkeys with money and guns
- The Most Dangerous of Devotions
- Only a Human Being
- The Rainbow Bridge
- The Real Problem of Humanity
- Safe in the hands of a force far greater
- The sort of organisms that interpret and modify their agency
- Start with romance and build to a reality
- Symbolic Language
- To end up here in a pile of bones
- To prolong our presence on the face of the Earth
- To simply see human beings
- The Undisputed Sovereignty of the Human Being
- We All Derive From the Same Source
- We are in Eden still
- We're part of something continuous
- When machines are considered more important than people
- A Work Ethic Gone Mad